Today's weather left us in a bit of a pickle, cramming 30 people into the house to mud. I was expecting some hostility and defeated spirits, but in typical bonner fashion, everyone made the best of the situation and did an excellent job of working together and showing dedication to the house and their work. My favorite thing about this trip, both this year and last year, is watching people from different sites with different strengths coming together with a common goal. Regardless of our differences within bonner, this trip proves the sense of community we feel with one another and everyone's individual passion for service. Even after only being in bonner for one semester, the freshmen have a clear vision of the end result of our service, placing those in need before themselves and dedicating themselves to make he world better. "Be the change you wish to see in the world" has a renewed meaning for me, and I'm thrilled to finish out the week at this home.
Having the opportunity to chaperone this trip has been the greatest blessing. Between the service and our time experiencing NOLA culture, we've built meaningful relationships within bonner and with the city itself. While walking through the quarter Saturday morning, I saw two people passing through a crowd. One said to the other, "a shower?! what's a shower? Does the rain count?" It was yet another reminder that while I was struggling to choose a painting to take home, some people are struggling to find shelter from the cold and rain, or their next meal. Our work will never be finished, but that doesn't make it any less meaningful; in fact, it makes it ever more important. It was heartwarming to see everyone looking out for one another on bourbon street, and laughing with people they hadn't ever spoken to before a few days ago. I can't wait to return to New Orleans!