Tuesday, January 20, 2015

After the first two days of hard and enjoyable work, I have come to realize many things about the community that I am working with as well as myself. Throughout the week, I am going to be working on a house on Jeannette Street doing exterior painting work. This work, tedious and sometimes tiring, has shown me the importance of teamwork. It would be impossible to paint the entire exterior of a house without the help of others; whether that help comes in the form of moving a ladder, holding the paint, or just offering a joke and laughing while working. Teamwork is key to completing the work that we do, and I have come to realize that it is the only way to make real progress.

In addition to the aspect of teamwork, I have also learned the importance of appreciation and gratefulness. Nearly everyone whom I have met has shown true appreciation for the work that we are doing in New Orleans. They are grateful to have the help nearly a decade after the storm, knowing that people from around the country are still willing to come and help rebuild. As well as seeing the appreciation, I have gained a new sense of gratefulness for what I have at home. It would be impossible to even imagine what it is like for anyone who lost their home in a natural disaster and still finding a way to go on.

I am more than certain that I will continue to learn important lessons throughout the rest of the week and I am exciting to finish painting the exterior of the house.

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